Give Thanks

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I was in one of my favorite stores this past Saturday, and I heard I like a Sleighride Christmas song playing through the speakers. I immediately thought “Wow,” the month of November just started. I have heard people say with a November birthday that they feel slighted because celebratory months go from October to December – skipping over their month. This is not my way of taking a jab at the retail stores. In the business world, this is considered smart tactics, staying ahead of the holiday season for promotional efforts. However, with our spiritual growth, we shouldn’t be so fast to run ahead without taking the time to slow down and give thanks.
In the Bible there is a passage about 10 men with leprosy who were healed by Jesus (Luke 17:11-19). Jesus told the men to go show themselves to the priest after they cried out to Him for help. During that time, when someone had leprosy they were considered unclean and had to be examined by a priest. A leper wasn’t allowed to live in the same community with their family or anyone else, but among other lepers until they died or got better (healing in this case from our Lord Jesus). Imagine that. They couldn’t even come in close proximity of another human being and this is why the 10 men stood at a distance and cried out to Christ, Jesus, Master, have pity on us!” (Luke 17:12).
Thank God for Jesus! As I mentioned above, Jesus told the men to show themselves to the priest. As the men walked away (don’t miss this – by faith they went to tell the priest) they were healed. One of the men turned around and came back to thank Jesus. Jesus inquired about the other nine who had not returned with him.
The one who came back was not only healed, but was also made well because he came back and gave thanks.
Giving thanks to God is so important. I don’t know about you, but I want to be healed and made well. The Bible says, Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus (1 Thessalonians 5:16), and for this reason we cannot leave thanksgiving out. It is here that we read it is God’s will for our lives. I know you may be saying that you have prayed about your situation and nothing has changed yet, but are you giving thanks as well? Thanking Him for what He is about to do in your life?
As you’re going through the upcoming days, paying bills (thank God for providing the income), going to work (thank God he woke us up with the use of our limbs to go), scanning over the Internet for the upcoming Black Friday sells (Lord’s will that we will see it), please do not forget to stop and give thanks. Just like the lepers, Jesus has made us clean. He deserves all the praise.
God bless and enjoy the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday with family, friends, and possibly new acquaintances.

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